Art by: tangledweb
Listening too: Enter the Psycho - Hellsing OST
Quote: "If you think in pennies, you'll get pennies.
If you think dollars, you'll get dollars."
Tis time to write about something else aside from my pathetic life. xD
Cash. People say love makes the world go round. I'd like to add something to that. Love for $MONEY$ makes the world go round. I know I'm going to get a bucket of crap from everyone for adding that one word in one of the most cliched lines in history but I'd rather swim in the gunk than not say it at all.
I mean, its one of the top or even the top 1 reason why most of my countrymen are throwing their dreams away as they enroll in Nursing courses. I dont have anything againts the course but its the reason thats really shovin bamboo shoots up my arse.
Basic Phillipino psychology.
'Must work for money. Must work a job that gets a lot of money. Must get money!'
The stories of how immigrants working as bedfolders / asswipers earning a ton of cash in the process is the answer! Glitter AND Gold! How can anyone look away from that!?
Thats how most of us Phillies are thinkin including me. Quite sad but let me tell you, it sounds worth it.
Lets move on to other topics concerning the cash cuz I'm getting sick of poking around the Nurse = $$$ subject.
Credit cards. Never EvEr! get a credit card in the Phillipines. People here are very good at swiping things and the bank is where it all goes. Banks are evil. Whenever you make a purchase using that peice of shiny plastic your going to be digging another hole in your own grave. Why? Cuz if you fail to pay it 'on time' then your as good as screwed due to the many alterations in the debt matrix. How can you NOT pay it 'on time'?! Well, your on time if you send the check/payment to the bank 10 DAYS IN ADVANCE! Any later and the risk of the bank telling you...
'Oh I'm sorry Ser/Ma'am! I tink joor check/payment gut lost n da mail! Joo nuw owe da bank joor soul! este... stuff! Tenk joo and hab e nice die =D'
Yes. Its true. Those bastards do that. A lot. The shitty thing about it is no matter how much one whines, complains and threatens there's absolutely nothing that can be done to reverse the process. Its fucked up. Quite.
ATM for the win.
In the states though, it pretty much works the same way except for the '10 days advance' thing because most of the money houses there are legit. So I think its safe to have 1 credit card but anymore and your soon going to be buried in utang.
Money money money. What can we be without the greens eh? No food, no education, yadda, blah, etc. Money money money.
I dont think I need to be a rocket scientist to be able to understand the basics of economics. How in the end we buy more money. The endless recycle of the lifeblood that keeps nations alive.
The buying and selling and cheating.
The stashing, saving and splurging.
The stealing, giving and receving.
Oh I think I get the gist of it. Perhaps maybe all too well.
I'd go deeper into the topic but I'll just save it for someone who cares xD
Lets not forget though, money cant buy love. Only money with love can buy love.
... or not. Whatever.
Lets be smart with our money people!
Cheer$ !!!