Art by: 2-DG
Listening to: Micheal Buble - Fever
Argh. Why did I have to be eaten inside out by some viral infection on a weekend! On a weekend!
Bah! What a rough way to start the week... Q(T_T;;)Q
At first, I thought it was just the occasional chest cramps that would randomly torment me but I should've taken note of the searing sensation I felt whenever I coughed. I brushed off this minor irritation as I continued my plans of sleeping over at Las' house, mah bro from another mo. The next day, I was feeling heavy. Very heavy. Again I disregarded this little hint and identified it as lazyness since I'm always magnetized by my bed whenever I wake up. But when I got to UST for P.E., that was when I realized that I was afflicted with fever. How I was finally able to realize?! Simple! I had trouble standing up, every time I coughed it would feel like a mallet trying to shatter my skull from the inside out, and I was fevershly hot. I mean, I know I'm hot (kidding) but woah, my temperature yestarday was off the charts and rising!
Whew, that was the most grueling P.E. I ever had. Even though the Prof. instructed me to take a break, resting up only made matters worse since the bright lights started to blind me as awoke T___T;; . Amazingly, my teammates who I dont bother talking to were all quite worried. I guess its the nurse/pharmacist in them but whatever it was I was truly thankful for their concern.
After a bit of them checking my temperature and a little pulse feeling, they concluded that I should let them take me to the E.R. by USTe's hospital. "The E.R.? Naw I think I'll just head home and rest up..." That was me btw as I attempted to relieve them of the trouble of helping me out but they would have none of it. So there I was, on a bed pan with a teammate who decided to oversee my recovery. Not much happened, doctors took some blood using a very cool vacuum operated yadda yadda and in the end I had to pay 350.95 Php for the treatment. "Wtf?! I have to pay? What happened to my insurance I paid for?!" I too dizzy to be pissed so I just eased up as Nikky (teammate) explained that its a Saturday so insurances dont go into effect. Wow. Genius. Thank you UST for screwing me. Bravo.
Long story short, it was an ok virus/parasite infected episode. I was able to experience a taste of human compassion as my teammates supported me as we walked all the way to USTe's E.R. Nikky was kind enough to watch over me AND buy me some lunch. That was pretty sweet of her since I didn't even know what her name was till that day. My friends who I was supposed to have a lot of good rounds of Dota with didn't bother holding me back like they usually did when I had to leave. Yuck. My body’s going boom on me again… I think its my heartbeat… ouch.
I. Have. No. Idea. Why I'm writing this post when I should be resting up. Hah! Foolish me. Well, now that I've been reminded to be grateful for being healthy most of the time, I guess I should go back to saving myself from the pain.
Cheers! =D
Listening to: Micheal Buble - Fever
Argh. Why did I have to be eaten inside out by some viral infection on a weekend! On a weekend!
Bah! What a rough way to start the week... Q(T_T;;)Q
At first, I thought it was just the occasional chest cramps that would randomly torment me but I should've taken note of the searing sensation I felt whenever I coughed. I brushed off this minor irritation as I continued my plans of sleeping over at Las' house, mah bro from another mo. The next day, I was feeling heavy. Very heavy. Again I disregarded this little hint and identified it as lazyness since I'm always magnetized by my bed whenever I wake up. But when I got to UST for P.E., that was when I realized that I was afflicted with fever. How I was finally able to realize?! Simple! I had trouble standing up, every time I coughed it would feel like a mallet trying to shatter my skull from the inside out, and I was fevershly hot. I mean, I know I'm hot (kidding) but woah, my temperature yestarday was off the charts and rising!
Whew, that was the most grueling P.E. I ever had. Even though the Prof. instructed me to take a break, resting up only made matters worse since the bright lights started to blind me as awoke T___T;; . Amazingly, my teammates who I dont bother talking to were all quite worried. I guess its the nurse/pharmacist in them but whatever it was I was truly thankful for their concern.
After a bit of them checking my temperature and a little pulse feeling, they concluded that I should let them take me to the E.R. by USTe's hospital. "The E.R.? Naw I think I'll just head home and rest up..." That was me btw as I attempted to relieve them of the trouble of helping me out but they would have none of it. So there I was, on a bed pan with a teammate who decided to oversee my recovery. Not much happened, doctors took some blood using a very cool vacuum operated yadda yadda and in the end I had to pay 350.95 Php for the treatment. "Wtf?! I have to pay? What happened to my insurance I paid for?!" I too dizzy to be pissed so I just eased up as Nikky (teammate) explained that its a Saturday so insurances dont go into effect. Wow. Genius. Thank you UST for screwing me. Bravo.
Long story short, it was an ok virus/parasite infected episode. I was able to experience a taste of human compassion as my teammates supported me as we walked all the way to USTe's E.R. Nikky was kind enough to watch over me AND buy me some lunch. That was pretty sweet of her since I didn't even know what her name was till that day. My friends who I was supposed to have a lot of good rounds of Dota with didn't bother holding me back like they usually did when I had to leave. Yuck. My body’s going boom on me again… I think its my heartbeat… ouch.
I. Have. No. Idea. Why I'm writing this post when I should be resting up. Hah! Foolish me. Well, now that I've been reminded to be grateful for being healthy most of the time, I guess I should go back to saving myself from the pain.
Cheers! =D