The Exhaust.: I'm saying the same thing dumbass.

Monday, June 19, 2006

I'm saying the same thing dumbass.

What the fuck is it with the human mind that screws around with the perception of people that are not in tuned with their own? Whats so wrong with speaking another languange that I'm sure they understand? Nothing right?! And yet people shun me for my preferrance of the universal linggo that is English over the local language which is Filipino. Is it so intimidating to communicate using two different language's that both parties understand so well? Woo what is wrong with the community these days....

Wait a minute, what's my problem and I cant just adjust to the majority? Its a very small detail but I'm frankly sick of it. When common filipino's use the language I'm sure that in a day they'll at least speak one sentence with 3 or more cuss words in them.


Putangina pare ang bobo naman ng gagong pero pangit naman.


Motherfuker man that guy is a stupid idiot and he's fugly too.

The damn language has been corrupted so much that it is common for commoners to dish out this nonsense. It makes me sick that I should respect this drool and it kills me to admit that I've been influenced by my peers to speak it. Blech... the world these days.... sigh...


Blogger Rosyness said...

Wow, I'm feeling the heat! Boo! Haha~

5:42 PM  

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